
Showing posts from October, 2017


わたしのスケジュール わたしのスケジュール わたしのスケジュール げつようびからぎにょうびまでべんきゆうしする。ごぜんろくにおかります。ごせんしちじにだいがくいいきます。まいにち にほんっおえべんきうします。とようびにやさいとりくをがいます。スパです。にちようびに休みだます。

Why I Study Japanese

                      Why I Study Japanese I could conclude this post by simply saying that I registered for first-year Japanese taught by Okamoto Sensei, because someone I know speaks extremely high of Okamoto Sensei. It is true. It is just that he also encouraged me taking Calculus III, a course I did not ended up signing up for. There is a more complexed reason I would like to try sharing, with respects and discretions. I rarely talk about it with people I know, because people could get emotional and irrational. I share it because I trust Okamoto Sensei that she would not have prejudice on me because of the following rationales. I was born in a very small city in the northeastern of China. The main street of the city is called "Sakura walk". It is really beautiful when the cherry flowers on that street blossom. The street becomes decorated with a mixture of whiteness and pinkness. (This is a picture I found from the internet. This is how the"Sakura Walk&q


みなさん、はじめまして! わたしはルシア です。コロンビア大学(だいがく)の三年生(さんねんせい)です。わたしは中国人(ちゅうごくじん)です。ちゅうごくのペキンからきました。にじゅっさいです。 わたしは哲学(てつがく)をべんきょうしています。 わたしはフィギュアスケートがすきです。わたしは 羽生 結弦(はにゅう ゆづる)がすきです。わたしははなびです。 どうぞよろしく!